Wednesday 11 March 2015

Book Review + Discussion: The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead [Spoiler Warning!]

Title: The Ruby Circle
Author: Richelle Mead
Rating: 3/5 stars

Okay, so I'm going to keep this non-spoiler-y section brief. This book is the sixth book in the Bloodlines series, which is a spin-off of the Vampire Academy series so, in short, it's hard not to spoil something. The series follows Sydney Sage, an Alchemist (humans who keep the world of vampires secret), who has been put on a mission to take part in protecting Jill Dragomir, a royal moroi (one kind of vampire - the good kind) and sister to the Queen, from danger. Throughout the series, we see Sydney figuring out how to work with and within the world of the supernatural as well as dealing with trouble from her own people, unlikely friendship and love. Overall, I really enjoyed this series. I absolutely adored the Vampire Academy series and while I don't think this held up to the same esteem, I do think it was good. However, I have felt slightly disappointed with these last two installments, this last book even more so. It felt too rushed and left much to be desired but I would still recommend people give the series a shot, especially if you liked Vampire Academy. Now, onto some more details in the spoiler section!


So, let me first say with full earnesty that I think having Rose and Dimitri being in the story for basically the whole book saved this book for me, which is why I'm more disappointed. I felt like the story wasn't held up enough by the main characters (being Sydney and Adrian) as it was by the supporting cast. I think I would have disliked this book much more if Rose and Dimitri hadn't have been involved. In saying that, though, it wasn't as if I didn't enjoy all the cute Sydrian moments, particularly them becoming domestic with Declan (who I will get to soon), but it doesn't take away from the fact that I still think their relationship feels too rushed. I wasn't a fan of them getting married in Silver Shadows and now they have a kid and jobs at the end of this one? It just felt...meh. It wasn't the ending I hoped for them.

But onto a huge plot twist that was unveiled in this book, dhampirs can have kids together if one of them has been brought back from being a Strigoi. Woah. That puts a spin on things, for sure. Did I like it? I can't help but think of Rose and Dimitri having a kid and how much I would love that, so yes. Did I think it needed more explaining? Definitely. It was just kind of thrown out there and I wanted to see them trying to figure out how and why that happens. I know that that's why they kept Declan a secret and they didn't want him getting tested on but come on! Something like that has got to have some huge implications in their world and I think at some point they're going to need to do something about it and figure it out. Also, Neil. Are we supposed to just accept that ending from him? I felt like it was kind of a half-assed ending of his character just so that Sydney and Adrian would end up with Declan and go 100% domestic. I think it would have been way more believable and just, in general, a nicer way to end things had Neil raised Declan and Sydrian gotten to lead their own lives.

Also, on a more general note, I think a lot of the story was just rushed and got wrapped up too neatly. Everything about how they rescued Jill seemed to go too smoothly, like getting her whereabouts and the whole ordeal with breaking her out. I feel like the dual perspective did no favours to this. When Sydney was battling the demon, I felt like we should have been reading from her perspective not Adrian's. It would've given the scene more intensity and given us more of a feel of how difficult the fight was. Another thing. Sydney's pardon from the Alchemists for what her and Adrian did felt too quick and easy. I get that she provided valid and useful information but it felt as if her means to do so fell too nicely in her lap, as well as the blackmail information she could use on her Dad. It just felt maybe a bit too cheesy how everything fell into place so nicely.

All in all, I just hoped for more from this book. Maybe I wanted to enjoy it too much and my expectations were too high but whatever it was, I'm still disappointed. I think there are good things to take away from this book and I would still recommend the series as a whole, but this book was definitely not the best of them. Have any of you checked out the latest instalment in the Bloodlines series? What did you think? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
J, xxx

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