Saturday 4 July 2015

July TBR

Hey guys! How quickly is this year going? Well, we're now officially on the downhill half of the year and it's time to really get caught up on our Goodreads goals. I don't know about the rest of you but I am super behind. I may have read a solid 28 books so far this year but I should be around the 50 mark by now. So, since I'm on uni holidays for majority of July, I'm going to be a bit ambitious with my TBR this month! 

#1: The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan [Goodreads Link]
I'm slowly but surely ploughing my way through the Wheel of Time series and I have a (very ambitious) goal of trying to finish before the end of the year (I know, I know). I've actually already started this one but I intend to have it completed in the next few days.

#2: Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes [Goodreads Link]
I know little to nothing about this series but I have heard SO many good things about it that it seems right up my alley. So, I borrowed the first book (and the second if I end up really liking it) from the library the other day and I cannot wait to get to it. 

#3: The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan [Goodreads Link]
Yep, the whole series. I am committed. So, near the end of last year, I finally finished off the Percy Jackson series but after marathoning the last 3 books of the series, I just wasn't feeling jumping right into the HOO series right then. But now I feel like I've had a long enough break and I really want to jump back into this world. I have heard amazing things about this series (not so much the ending but oh well) and I just cannot wait to get into it.

#4: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews [Goodreads Link]
I thought I'd chuck one short one on this list. I've heard a bunch of good reviews for this book and with the movie release just around the corner, I thought now would be as good of a time as any to give this book a shot. The trailer for the movie also looked really nice so I'm hoping to like the book.

Okay, I'm going to leave it at that for now. That's a solid 8 books, which is my minimum reading goal for this month, although I would like to do much more. I do have some other books I want to read that I might get to this month but I'm not too sure at the moment so I won't put them on the list.

So, what have you guys got planned for this month? Are you planning to read any of the same ones as me? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time!
Jess, xxx

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