Wednesday 25 February 2015

T5W: Character Arcs/Development

What better way to bring in the new blog than with a personal favourite thing to do - Top 5 Wednesday? I'm definitely going to be continuing to do this on this blog and I can't think of a better subject favourite character arcs because let me tell you, there's not much I love more than some good character development. So, let's get to this! As always, there's no prioritisation with this, it's just the order of when I remembered them.

#5: Todd - Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness
Oh man, the development that Todd goes through within this series is amazing. He transforms so much (and not always for the better at parts) and it truly was beautiful to read. At the beginning of the series I didn't find him that great but he grew into a character I really adored and empathised with. It's some of the best development I have ever read.

#4: Sydney Sage - Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead
 I need to extend this to the Vampire Academy series as well because Sydney does appear in both, but anyway. Now I have to exclude the last in the Bloodlines series in this discussion because I have yet to read it but from the moment we first met Sydney to the character she becomes by the end of Silver Shadows, she goes through amazing development. She comes to accept parts of herself and the world around her so much and she becomes so much the better for it. I particularly enjoyed (spoilers for later parts of the series!) reading her learning to accept her magic. Not only was it cool because magic, but it was a huge step for Sydney to see the good in the world of the supernatural, something she's been conditioned to be wary of her entire life.

#3: Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan
I think there's a lot of amazing character development in general in this series but the stand out is (probably obviously) Percy Jackson. Of course. We get to see the story unfold through his eyes so of course the growth he experiences will have more of an affect on me than the others but there truly was something special about watching Percy develop throughout these books. I can't pinpoint certain arcs or moments where I noticed it but it was beautiful to watch either way.

#2: Rose Hathaway - Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead
Ah, Rose. I love her so, so much. Even just the development she goes through in the first book is amazing but how she develops throughout the entire six books...brilliant. I'm actually re-reading this series at the moment and forgotten how much I love Rose's character. She goes through so much and only grew stronger and more compassionate. A particular part of her story I enjoyed reading was her dealing with the different facets of being shadow-kissed and her struggles with being able to control them.

#1: Celaena Sardothien - Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
Mostly, this has to do with her development in Heir of Fire. Celaena has quickly become one of my favourite literary characters ever, but the progression she went through in the third book was a beautiful thing to watch. She began to accept who and what she is and started to learn that she doesn't have to always face things alone. The character she has grown into continues to amaze me and I am very excited for what we have yet to read of her ( we are only half way through this series!). 

What are your favourite character arcs/developments? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

J, xxx

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