Wednesday 8 February 2017

2017 WRAP-UP | BOOKS #1-5

Hey guys! I've decided that instead of the usual monthly reading wrap-ups, I'm going to do them every 5 books I read. This means that if I have a bad reading month, I'm not talking about just one book in the wrap up. Or similarly, if I have an insanely good reading month, my wrap up isn't hella long. 5 seems like a nice number so I'm just gonna keep it to that for now.

This was a read I took from 2016 and one of those I started and then took a break from for no apparent reason. Firstly, I'm all for supporting Aussie authors, so I enjoyed that part. But this book was great otherwise. It had this really lovely tone to it and honestly took me a bit to shake away from. I do think it doesn't get really good until about halfway through, but it's worth the wait.

I really enjoyed this autobiographical graphic novel. It offers an interesting perspective of the events of the Islamic Revolution because it's not necessarily about that. It's about this little girl's life, and this revolution just so happens to be happening as she grows up. It's heavy, but truly important and full of rebellious heart.

I didn't hate this one but I do think it lacked the punch of the first volume. It didn't move me in the same way and didn't feel as necessary.

I don't want to really talk too much about this one because I did do a full, spoiler-free review of it here. But my main feelings is that I was hoping for a lot more and felt like it took to long to get anywhere with the story. Despite that, I have high hopes for the next book.

I really started this year on a bit of a graphic novel kick, didn't I? The first wrap-up and it's already the majority. Anyway, I really loved this. Something about Noelle Stevenson's brand of story-telling and humour just clicks right with me. Between this and her work with Lumberjanes series of comics, it's clear I just really love her stuff. Nimona really wasn't a story I was expecting but it didn't disappoint me in the slightest. 

Well, there you go. First five reads of 2017! I'm almost onto my 10th book of the year so far so I expect I'll have another wrap-up for you soon. Let me know in the comments what you've been reading so far this year and any highlights!

Until next time!
- J, xxx

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