Thursday, 13 July 2017


Hey guys! 

How is it possible we're already on the downhill of this year? I feel like I'm just coming to terms with it being 2017 and soon it'll be 2018. Ugh. So, in that train of panicked thought, I figured I'd do this very relevant tag, which you've probably already seen half the book community do by now anyway. Enjoy!

1. Best book you've read so far in 2017
Not including re-reads (because I re-read Ari and Dante and that would defs be my fav), I have to give this one to The Final Empire by Branden Sanderson. I'm so happy to be finally diving into his books and I'm so impressed with how full this book was. Nothing was half-assed and it was just some good quality fantasy.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2017
I've been trying to make it a priority to finish a bunch of series and am really failing so I haven't even read many sequels, but I have to go with King's Rising by C.S. Pascat. This series far exceeded my expectations and I was surprised by how invested I became in it. They got better and better with every book so this finale was just so good.

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to
God, so many. I'm so behind in the book world so I haven't really been on top of many new releases. But I'm very intrigued by Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee and want to pick that up soon!

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
As I said, I'm not really on caught up on this to anticipate much, but I am very excited for Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff, the sequel to Nevernight. I'm so pumped to see where this series is heading.

5. Biggest disappointment
Ah, it hurts me to say this but probably Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher. It was funny at points but overall felt so messy and in need of more fine tuning. I'm still willing to give her other books a go though.

6. Biggest surprise
Probably Yes Please by Amy Poehler. I know it's highly acclaimed but I didn't expect the heartfelt, genuine book I got. I should never have doubted Amy.

7. New favourite author (or new to you)
Probably a toss up between Riley Redgate and Branden Sanderson. Both aren't new authors, just new to me, and I loved in very different ways but I can't choose between them.

8. Newest fictional crush
N/A. I haven't really read a lot of books that had me crushing on any characters super hard, oops.

9. Newest favourite character
Probably Sazed from the Mistborn series. He's such a complex, layered character and he intrigues me so much. I really hope he survives this series (but I'm pretty certain he will).

10. Book that made you cry
Ooh, I cry a lot but I don't think I've really shed many tears over books this year. I'll say History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera though because it was a heavy book. If you don't know, go read the synopsis and you'll know what I mean. You go into it knowing it's gonna get real, haha.

11. Book that made you happy
I'd say Noteworthy but I've already mentioned Riley Redgate so I'll go with Peggy and Me by Miranda Hart. Miranda is one of my favourite comedians ever and I'm always excited for anything she brings out. So a book that involves her and dogs (also one of my favourite things)? Basically all I need to cheer me up. I had such a good time listening to that audiobook.

12. Most beautiful book you've bought this year
Has to go to my most recent book purchase - this lovely hardcover bind-up of His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. This is one of my favourite series ever and I've had my eye on this edition for a while now, and gave in when the Book Depository put it on sale. This is what it looks like:

Lovely, non?

13. What book do you need to read by the end of the year?
Gosh, my TBR is so big and I'm very behind on my reading goals. I really need to focus on completing series and my priorities are Mistborn, Heroes of Olympus and Wheel of Time (not finishing just making some progress on by the end of the year). But that's only a small insight into my TBR.

14. Favourite Book Community Member
I love so many people's content but I'm going to give a shout out to Thoughts on Tomes because I consistently watch and enjoy her content.

Alright, well another tag done. I'm hoping for swinging my reading a bit more on track for the second half of the year but we'll see how I go. Let me know down in the comments some of your favourite/least favourite books you've read this year!

Until next time!
- J, xxx

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