Friday 7 August 2015

Book Review + Discussion: Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Title: Falling Kingdoms [Goodreads Link]

Author: Morgan Rhodes

Rating: 3/5 stars

General Thoughts: 

This book isn't something that's incredibly original, but that doesn't mean it's any less enjoyable because of that. It follows a varied cast of characters who are spread across the land of Mytica, where there is growing tensions between the three kingdoms. The characters are really strong and the plot is interesting but overall, it left a bit too be desired. There was a bit of insta-love in it that I was not a fan of and I felt that the pacing was really off at some points and it made the story drag. I definitely enjoyed this book but, after finishing it, all I feel like it's done is set up for the rest of the series and that the real story is going to begin in book two. I'm also hoping Rebel Spring explores the world a bit more too because I don't feel like it was developed enough in this book. I would recommend this if you are interested in a character focused fantasy!

Okay, now I'm gonna get into spoiler territory under the cut. You have been warned!

Oh, so many characters. Bear with me, this might get long! But firstly, I think Rhodes actually does a really good job at handling such a big cast of characters. At the beginning, it feels a bit overwhelming when you're getting introduced to them all (which is common in fantasy novels, let's be real here) but it doesn't take too long to get a good understanding of them all. She doesn't focus on certain ones for too long that you forget the others and vice versa, she doesn't switch between them too quickly that you can't get a clear image of them all. Having said that, I do think Cleo's character carried the story more than the other main set of characters (Magnus, Lucia and Jonas). I'm not sure if that was intended but that's how it felt.

Speaking of Cleo, let's talk about how unnecessary the romance between her and Theon felt. Like, what even was that? It felt so forced and out of nowhere and you could see it coming from a mile away. I didn't enjoy it at all. I think it could've been nice had it not been so insta-love-y.  I feel awful that I was glad Theon died (even though that was really obvious as well) but I was because I couldn't deal with reading more of the cheese that was happening between them. Otherwise, I did like Cleo as a character. I like that she isn't a perfect character and that she's strong-willed to a fault. For me, she's the strongest character in the series yet, even if she does make some dumb decisions.

I also really liked Jonas. While he frustrated me most of the time, he felt like a really genuine character and I cannot wait to see where his character goes in the following novels. I also really want to him and Cleo team up. I think if they can work out their differences, they would make an interesting team. 

Magnus was an interesting character but I didn't like him. I hated the shift he goes through after he admits his feelings to Lucia and she responds with disgust and he turns into this cold monster out for blood, essentially. I think it'll be interesting to see him possibly come back from that but after that, he lost basically the small amount of traits that made the reader able to sympathise with him. He seems to be a really popular character so let's hope he gets better in the next novels. But I also really want some growth from Lucia. She is probably the most boring character in the novel. She feels so one-dimensional and underdeveloped, which I hope changes in future novels because there is so much potential  there.

While we're on the topic, Mangus' incestuous feelings towards Lucia. I'm conflicted. I will say, for a YA novel, it is an incredibly bold move of Rhodes to incorporate a story thread like this. And for anyone who thinks it's not properly incest because we find out they aren't blood related at the end (which also wasn't a surprise), they were still raised as siblings and Magnus believed her to be his sister when he fell for her so it's incest. I also hated that Magnus reveals that information to Lucia as a way to validate the kiss. Grr. But does the relationship kinda gross me out? Yes (but more because he kissed her when she clearly does not reciprocate the feelings). Am I opposed to it? Despite the fact it's totally unrequited at present, if it does develop properly, I don't really mind too much. After Jaime/Cersei (ASOIAF) and Lucrezia/Cesara (The Borgias), I can deal with incest IN FICTIONAL CONTEXT

Okay, this section was basically a whole review in itself but the novel is very character driven. Why do you think I've never reviewed a ASOIAF novel?

I think the plot was enjoyable but nothing special. The story isn't unlike anything we've seen in fantasy before. I mean, it has some really stark parallels to A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, just to name one series. But this is because it's a formula that works and is still enjoyable without being entirely original. Having said that, I do feel like bits of the plot were concluded a little too quickly and cleanly. For example, Magnus just happening upon Theon and Cleo after Cleo escapes the shed. Bit too coincidental, right? And Nic and Theon just running into each other on the road just at the right time to get to Cleo in time? My biggest issue was this is that while the story was moving forward really quickly, it lacked the tension to keep the reader fully engaged because it was all working too well.

I've already mentioned a few times my issues with the pacing, but I think that was my only criticism of the writing. Otherwise, the story flows well. Rhodes doesn't overflow the prose with complicated terminology which makes the novel really accessible to a younger audience or someone who hasn't read as much fantasy which is a plus. 

So, have any of you read Falling Kingdoms (I'd hope since you're past the spoiler cut)? What did you think? Do you agree with my thoughts or do you think differently? Let me know your thoughts on the book in the comments!

Until next time!
Jess, xxx

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