Tuesday 11 August 2015

Booktube-A-Thon Wrap Up!

Hey guys! So, I was kind of casually participating in the Booktube-A-Thon this year, which is why I didn't do daily updates. Last year, this readathon was the first big thing I participated in in the book community and really got me back into reading but alas, it was also in my university holiday whereas this year's was not and I had to fit reading around a lot of studying. So, I didn't get a lot of reading done. But I got enough done to put up a wrap up so here we are! In summary:

Books Read: 5
Challenges Completed: 4

So, it wasn't awful but most of my books were graphic novels or very short. Now, onto what I read!

1. Read a book with blue on the cover - COMPLETED

This was arguably the easiest of the challenges to complete but I did this with Sarah Kay's collection of poems titled No Matter the Wreckage. The picture to the left actually makes it look more green but this book definitely has blue on the cover. This book was a beautiful short read. It's so honest and the poems flow with amazing rhythm. I'm not someone who avidly reads poetry but this book really hit a chord with me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I gave it 4/5 stars.

2. Read a book by an author who shares the same first letter of your last name - COMPLETED

For this challenge, I read Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes. I originally was just going to use this for the blue cover challenge but then I discovered that author's with a last name beginning with R are less common than I'd assumed (and also basically all of my reads had blue on the cover so it was a pretty easy switch). I did a whole review of this book here so I won't discuss it in this wrap up but overall, I enjoyed it but think it had more potential. I gave it 3/5 stars.

3. Read someone else's favourite book - NOT COMPLETED

I didn't really have anything lined up for this one, to be honest. Most of people's favourite books I was seeing I'd already read so I thought I'd leave it and work something out if I had time and got all the other challenges completed first. 

4. Read the last book you acquired - NOT COMPLETED

I'm really sad I didn't do this one because I was really looking forward to the book I had planned for it, but I ended up just not having the time or motivation to pick it up this week.

5. Finish a book without letting go of it - COMPLETED

This might be cheating a bit with this challenge but I went with The Runaways Vol. 1: Pride and Joy by Brian K. Vaughn. I actually read this comic on the computer but I think it still counts because I didn't let go of the mouse? Yep, totally counts. I have been wanting to check out these comics for ages and I ended up really enjoying it. The characters are relatable and the story is fun. I gave it 4/5 stars.

6. Read a book you really want to read - COMPLETED

Since I enjoyed the first volume so much, I couldn't wait to pick up The Runaways Vol. 2: Teenage Wasteland. I had another book planned for this one as well but I ended up putting it aside because I now really wanted to read this. I'm not going to lie though, it was a pretty disappointing volume. The plot went nowhere and it wasn't as fun but there were bits and pieces to like so I gave it 2.5/5 stars.

I didn't know where to put this so I'll add it in here. I also read The Runaways Vol. 3: The Good Die Young and, while it didn't fit into any of the challenges, it did help my book count. It was far more enjoyable than vol. 2 and I gave it 4/5 stars.

7. Read seven books - NOT COMPLETED

Sadly, I did complete this. I didn't really think that I would but I hoped I might be able to read make it on graphic novels or comics. Oh well, next year I'll try better!

So, there's my Booktube-A-Thon wrap up! How many of you guys participated in this readathon as well? And if you did, how'd you all go with the challenges? Let me know down in the comments!

Until next time!
Jess, xxx

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