Monday 30 March 2015

Book Review + Discussion: Cress by Marissa Meyer (SPOILER WARNING)

Title: Cress
Author: Marissa Meyer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

So, we've had Cinderella and Red Riding Hood, where do you go from there? Rapunzel! Plot twist: she hasn't been stranded in a tower her whole life, but in a satelittle in space. Also, she's a really good computer hacker. I thought it was a really fascinating take on the story of Rapunzel and I think it wove in really well with the already established storyline. One thing I really love about this series is how well is does foreshadowing, which really came to light in this book. The previous books set up the introduction of Cress really well with things like the COMM chip Cinder's been carrying and the idea that Lunars could hide their ships from trackers with their Lunars gifts (which actually ended up always being Cress doing it). I just think it's really intelligent writing and gives the overarching story a much fuller feel. And I also think this novel did a lot of little things and dropped some hints to set up the grande finale of the series.

I do feel like the character development was a bit weak in this novel. Cress, in particular, felt quite undeveloped for me. In a lot of ways, it was very realistic for her character to not have as much depth as others because of her upbringing. But I still felt that even once her character was given the room to grow, she didn't. I also wasn't a huge fan of her fascination with Thorne, but, in saying that, I do understand the reasoning behind why she was like that. And I liked their relationship more as the book progressed.

I think an interesting part of the book was seeing Scarlet taken, thus separately her and Wolf. Although I found how Wolf was acting after this point frustrating (understandable, yes, but also frustrating), I do wish there was more time to delve further into his character. I didn't feel as if I liked him any more in this novel than I did in Scarlet. Although, Scarlet, on the other hand, provided a really interesting narrative after being taken. I definitely think her storyline is going to be integral in the next novel and I can't wait.

Other quick thoughts, I feel like Dr. Erland storyline was maybe cut too short. I feel like he still had something important to do, but I'm also intrigued to see how his life might affect Cress' now we know he's her father. Thorne being blind for a good majority of the novel was interesting. I'd like to see how this state of being affects how he is once he has his sight back (which I imagine he'll get in the start of Winter). I don't trust Jacin yet. It's obvious he's going to play a big role in Winter so hopefully we learn some redeeming qualities about him. Also, I'm so glad we have Kai and Cinder back together. They have some serious stuff to sort out (which they've already started doing, thankfully) but I just love them so much. 

As in the other two books, the writing is easy to digest in this novel. Meyer has a really effortless prose, which makes her novels really accessible. I love it.

General Comments:
This definitely won over the previous books in this series for me. The plot got richer, the world grew wider and the adventures of both new and old characters continued. It also made me wish I had a time machine in order to fast forward to November so I can have my hands on Winter. The last few pages actually gave me goosebumps for what it was setting up. And I've said it before but I'll say it again: this series is getting better with every book!

What'd you think of Cress? Love it, hate it, indifferent? What were some of your favourite scenes? Let me know in the commments!

Until next time!
J, xxx

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