Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Best Series Endings

Hey guys! Back here with another Top 5 Wednesday! As always, T5W was created by gingerreadslainey and for more information, click here :) Last month I talked about what I thought to be the worth series endings but this time around I'm going to talk about the ones I thought the best. So, without further ado, let's go!

#5: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling
I mean, how could I not include it? Ignoring the epilogue (which I have MANY issues with), I really loved how this story was brought to a close. While it was heartbreaking to see so much death at the end, I don't think it could have been done another way. The series was always heading in that direction. It was a very bitter sweet ending but really wonderful in its own way. I think the only part I didn't like is that when I finished the last page, I felt like saying goodbye to old friends.

#4: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien
I know technically LOTR is one book but I can't help but think of it as a series, I'm sorry. It's just how I saw when I first read it as a kid and I can't seem to change that. But anyway, I hold the ending of this series to such high esteem. I loved how bitter sweet it was and that there was an emotional consequence to what Frodo went through. It was just a really fitting ending and it makes me cry like a baby every damn time.

#3: The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman
It has been so long since I read this gem but I still love it oh, so much. I know people have their issues with this series and I understand them but for me, it's undeniably one of my favourites. It had so much more depth than I had expected from a supposed "children's" series and was concluded in such a satisfying but heartbreaking way. The final book had so many gorgeous scenes and I really commend Pullman on the ending - it was a pretty bold move to pull for children's/middle grade literature but it worked really well and made me love it even more.

#2: Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness
I think the short stories that Ness released that is set after this novel makes the last few pages a little less heart-wrenching but it still hurts. Even still, this book is beautiful. I cannot recommend this whole series enough but this last one was really my favourite. It's such a rich story that had compelling characters and wonderful relationship while also being filled with engaging action scenes. This book also includes one of my all-time favourite book scenes ever and it always makes me cry because it is just so gorgeous. I just love this one a lot.

#1: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
Every time I think of satisfying endings to a series, I think of this novel first. While I have varied opinions on the Mortal Instruments series by Clare, I absolutely adore the Infernal Devices series and think it far surpasses TMI in quality. It's also one of those rare cases where I think the love triangle was actually done really well. And the ending was just so well done and wonderful to read.

What are some of your favourite endings? Agree or disagree with some of my picks? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time!
- J, xxx

Monday, 13 April 2015

T5W: Books I Wanted To Start Yesterday

Hey guys! Something happened with the scheduling of this post and I just realised that it never went up last week as it was meant to, so that's why this is weirdly late. But better late than never, as they say. 

This week's topic was books you wanted to start yesterday and wow, do I have a lot, if my massive 'to-read' shelf on Goodreads wasn't a big enough indicator. So, it's hard to put this down to just 5 books but I'm going to try, although not in any particular order. As always, T5W was created by gingerreadslainey and for more information, click here! :)

#5: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern [Goodreads link]
I feel like I never hear bad things about this book so I don't know why I haven't read it yet. I even received a copy in a Book Secret Santa over Christmas and I still haven't got to it yet. It's definitely a book I need to get to ASAP and see what all the fuss is about.

#4: Graceling by Kristin Cashore [Goodreads link]
This is another book I wonder why I haven't got to yet. I have heard SO many good things about it and I've owned it for a year or two now but alas, it still sits on my shelf collecting dust as I keep saying 'I've got to get to that one soon!'. This one is actually bothering me by how long it has been sitting on my shelf unread so hopefully I can get to it really soon.

#3: Black Sun Light My Way by Jo Spurrier [Goodreads link]
This book is from a series I have literally never heard anyone talk about - the Children of the Black Sun series/trilogy. I read the first book about two years ago and it was amazing. For some reason I didn't pick up the second (Black Sun Light My Way) for another year and I still haven't read it. I need to get back into this series ASAP because the first was one of my favourite fantasy books I've read. The author is Australian and I'm not sure if these books have been published internationally but I urge people to check them out!

#2: Vicious by V. E. Schwab [Goodreads link]
So, this is the only book on this list that I don't actually own so it's a bit harder for me to get to quickly but I need this book yesterday. It seems that everyone in the online book community can't stop talking about V. E. Schwab and I need to know what the hype is about. She's also just come out with her latest book - A Darker Shade of Magic - which is getting a lot of praise too, but I've decided I need to read Vicious first. I don't think I'll get to this one too quickly though, as I'm on a strict book buying ban until I get my TBR down a bit

#1: Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson [Goodreads link]
And now we come to the last of the books and you shouldn't be really surprised by this considering it was also on my April TBR. Brandon Sanderson is another author that I just can't stop hearing good things about at the moment (particularly the Mistborn trilogy, which is why I'm starting there) and it's just made me really excited to pick up his books. I've wanted to read his books for a long time but all the recent hype has really pushed me to get to them. As I mentioned in my TBR post, I was going to wait until I finished the Wheel of Time series to start Brandon Sanderson's works but I'm just too impatient. Fingers crossed I get this down this month as planned! 

What books did you want to start yesterday? Any books you've had sitting on your shelves for what seems like forever that you just really need to get to? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time!
- J, xxx

Friday, 3 April 2015

April TBR

So I'm only putting a small amount of my TBR list this month because I never like to plan it too much or I usually don't end up reading as many. So, I'm just keeping it to three books which are absolute must-reads for April.

#1: The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan
This is the second book in the Wheel of Time series, which is a widely popular epic fantasy series that I'm determined to finish despite how intimidating it can seem. I'm actually roughly 100 pages away from completing this one but I've been reading it for awhile now so I think it's time to finish it.

#2: The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas
This is a book of short stories that are prequels to the Throne of Glass series. Basically, I just really feel like hopping back into the ToG world and I've had this sitting on my shelf for awhile now, so it seems like a good time to do it. And hopefully this fix will be able to tide me over until Queen of Shadows later in the year!

#3: Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
I seem to be hearing nothing but good things about Brandon Sanderson lately and have decided it's time to dealve into his books. I've been meaning to do so for a loooong time but was going to wait until I finished the Wheel of Time series (which he finished on behalf of Robert Jordan) but I grew impatient and picked up the first book in the Mistborn series the other day. I can't wait to start this series!

Also, as a general goal, I'm going to try and continue on my book buying ban (which I broke this last week because it was my birthday but I only bought 3 books so yay!) and really focus on bringing down the amount of books I own but haven't read. The number is getting a bit ridiculous now (here's my Goodreads shelf here where you can see all of them). But what are you all planning to read this month? Have you got any suggestions of things you think I should get to first? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time!
- J, xxx