Thursday 18 June 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Books Read In One Sitting

Hey all! I'm just a tad late on this week's T5W but I've had a bit of a hectic week.As always, T5W was created by gingerreadslainey and for more information, click here :) This week it's about book we read in one sitting, and I'm also going to include books that were really addictive/I couldn't put down but didn't necessarily read in one sitting. No particular order!

#5: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell [Goodreads Link]
In general, this is one of my favourite books! It was also a really addictive read. It was super easy to get into and such a quick read. It's not too long either, so this was one I actually did read in one sitting. I remember seeing the sun peak up when I was finishing the last few pages of this novel!

#4: Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness [Goodreads Link]
Actually, this really goes for the entire Chaos Walking trilogy. It's a really addictive series but I feel like this one was the most, despite being the longest. At first, I think the writing style seems a bit odd to most but it is also really easy to digest so I just flew through this series. I actually read the whole thing in two days.

#3: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead [Goodreads Link]
I actually can't remember how fast I read this initially, but I know it was addictive as heck. And the multiple times I have re-read it (and the rest of the books) since have all been in single sitting. One time I was re-reading the series and I read the first four books in one sitting. I was a reading machine that night apparently, haha. But these books are so fun and thrilling! I feel like I mention them a lot but they're just so good. Don't be fooled by how awful the covers are!

#2: Winter Be My Shield by Jo Spurrier [Goodreads Link]
I constantly feel the need to keep mentioning this book in hopes of either finding someone else who has read it or urging someone to pick it up! But I remember starting this book multiple times and just not getting into it but then one time I just sat down and really tried to get through the first few chapters and I just got absorbed by it. I don't know what the hook was but something just grabbed me at a point and I couldn't stop reading. I know I didn't read it in one sitting because I actually started reading it while I was overseas but I remember taking every spare moment I had to finish it ASAP. So good!

#1: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare [Goodreads Link]
While I feel like after City of Glass this series seriously went downhill (I haven't read CoHF yet though), I still remember how much I absolutely adored the first three books. And I remember when I first picked up City of Bones and I remember it being one of the very first books (if not the first?) that I actually read in one sitting. The story and the writing is just really addictive and I remember staying up all night reading it and then making someone take me to the bookstore the next day to get City of Ashes. It was awesome.

What are some books that have really hooked you in and you've read in one sitting (or almost one sitting)? These are just a few of mine but let me know yours in the comments!

Until next time!
- Jess, xxx

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