Thursday 19 November 2015

MOVIE REVIEW: Mockingjay Part 2 (no spoilers!)

RATING: 6/10

Hey guys! Last night I went to the Mockingjay Part 2 midnight screening and really wanted to share my thoughts with you all about it! I've never done a movie review so bare with me. Also I'll keep this non-spoiler-y since I know a lot of people won't have seen it yet!

Firstly, I want to say that it doesn't quite feel real yet that the movie series is over. I've gone to every midnight screening for these movies and it's become a sort of tradition for November. So I'm quite saddened that it's all come to an end but all things need to eventually. I also thought it was a nice ending; I really enjoyed it. I wasn't the biggest fan of part 1 (it was slow moving and while I can appreciate its purpose, I also was just very bored for a lot of it), nor was I much of a fan of the book. But I do think this instalment was still good, but wasn't perfect.

This movie had a lot of quiet moments interspersed between the fighting and war scenes but I think it really allowed for some of the actors to really shine. The performances were truly outstanding in this film. Jennifer Lawrence has always left me in awe with how well she's taken on the role of Katniss in these films and this still remains the case for this film. Josh Hutcherson also left me really impressed with how he portrayed Peeta following the traumatic events of Mockingjay Part 1. 

The complexity of the war was also done really nicely. This is probably something which is most present in both parts 1 and 2 and really comes to a head in the finale, which it obviously had to seeing as it was the concluding chapter. It's also a major underlying theme within the books (and one of my favourite ones) that I think was done even better in the movies, in some instances. Particularly for these final movies, it was a key factor to both and viewer enjoyment kind of hinges on whether they're interested in that or not.

I think my biggest issue with Mockingjay Part 2 is that it suffers similar issues that I had reading the book. This film series has been - I would say - quite faithful to its source material - and that made for an incredible Catching Fire film -, but I wish they hadn't been so with this one. The pacing was really off, similar to the book. The first part was slow and then it just spurts up at random points and feels very jumpy and not in a good way. A lot of the action at the end happens too quickly (which, again, was something I found in the book and really disliked). The climax built very quickly and everything happened in a very swift succession and then just dropped suddenly. It's confusing to the viewer and I wasn't a fan at all. There are also spoiler-y plot points that I was just as mad at in the movie as I was in the book but that's something I knew was coming.

All in all, I think it was a good conclusion to the film series. It's a high quality film and all of its faults, in my opinion, are faults that have been carried over from the book. If you liked the book, you will definitely enjoy the film. If you were a bit on the fence about the book, there is still things to enjoy but do be warned that some of the same issues in the book make an appearance in the film.

So, for those of you who might have already seen it, what'd you think? What was your favourite scene? And if you haven't seen it yet, what scene from the book are you most excited for/hope they include? I want to hear all your thoughts down below!

Until next time!
- Jess, xxx

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