Thursday 14 January 2016


Hey, guys! Today I was meant to be putting up a Top 5 Wednesday but I wasn't really feeling this week's topic so I decided to do a tag. I wasn't tagged in this tag but I saw Katytastic's video and thought it was really cool so I'm doing it anyway. It's the "Totally Should've" book tag, created by emmmabooks (original video here), and goes through a bunch of different scenarios you think totally should've happened with certain books/series.

1. Totally should've gotten a sequel
For this one I'm going to have to go with The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead. Now, I get it, this world has gotten 12 books so far, do we really need any more? Well, I think yes. This book was a pretty big disappointment for me but I think my biggest issue with it was that there was a huge about the world revealed and it kind of got pushed to the side and I think it really needed to be explored. It's hard to go into without spoilers but I think this world needs a little bit more to deal with that big plot twist. 

2. Totally should've had a spin off series
Everyone I've seen has said the same thing for this so this is pretty unoriginal but I'm gonna have to say the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. Now most people say that they'll just take any spin-off, but I'd have to disagree. While I'd probably read any spin-off, sure, the one that I really, REALLY want is a Marauders era spin-off. I need it like air.

3. An author who totally should write more books
Erin Morgenstern. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure The Night Circus is, currently, her only released novel? I thought that book was honestly so wonderful and imaginative. Then once you consider it was only her debut novel, you can see all the possibilities of what she has left to achieve. I really hope she releases more books because she can (hopefully) only improve.

4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else
So as not to repeat books (because lbr, I would say HP again and Harry/Ginny, ugh), Aelin/Celaena from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I know the series hasn't ended yet but it seems Maas is trying to make it clear who Aelin is going to end up with and I'm not about it at all. 

5. Totally should've ended differently
I didn't want to go with an obvious answer but it still annoys me so much that I have to use it for this, and that is: The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Mockingjay was a mess and I didn't think it was a satisfying ending at all. Also, that epilogue was so, so bad.

6. Totally should've had a movie franchise
The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness! I'd be very, very hesitant about it if it was made into a movie because characters being able to hear each others thoughts and I'm always worried about how that will translate to screen. But otherwise, I think this series would make such a good movie franchise. It's really fast-paced and gripping and just everything it needs to be translated really well into movie format.

7. Totally should've had a TV show
The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. I know we already got a movie (which I actually loved a lot, to be honest) but that flopped and I'm still hoping for it to get the same second chance as The Mortal Instruments with a TV show. I think so many elements of the story would work so, so well in an episodical narrative and I just NEED IT. PLS.

8. Totally should've had only one point of view
I honestly can't think of anything for this question. All books that I have read with more than one perspective have had a good reason to do so and I can't imagine them working otherwise. So I'm just gonna skip this question, oops.

9. Totally should have a cover change
I've mentioned her so much in this tag but I just can't not use her for this question but literally ALL of Richelle Mead's books. Okay, Soundless and the Age of X series covers aren't actually that bad but basically all of her other ones just aren't that great. The Vampire Academy/Bloodlines covers are truly horrible, though. I would give so much to have good cover changes for those books. Everytime they re-design them, they essentially keep the same design and change the colouring or crop of it. 

10. Totally should've kept the original covers
The Curse of the Bond Riders trilogy by Karen Brooks. I've literally never heard anyone talk about this series. It's a small series by an Australian author but I loved it (well, the two books I've so far read of it). The first book came out with this really lovely, simple cover design and I really loved it. Then not long after the release of the second book, the covers got re-designed and it is impossible to find them in the old covers. The new ones aren't bad but I just loved the old ones so much. It saddened me greatly.

11. Totally should've stopped at book one
I'm gonna go with a series I haven't finished (and that's kind of the point). The Divergent series by Veronica Roth. I read the first book and enjoyed it a whole lot. Got to the second one and stopped halfway through and have still never found the drive to pick it up again. From what I've heard, the third book is even worse. Despite issues with the idea of the story, the first book was quite compelling and all of that flat-lined in the second novel so I definitely wish it had just ended on book one.

And finally, I tag anyone wearing a purple item of clothing, go!

Do you agree/disagree with any of the things I thought totally should've happened? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time!
- J, xxx

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