Friday 8 January 2016

A Clean Slate + T5W: Fandoms!

Hi all! Happy new year!

I thought I'd start this by talking about my lack of activity on this blog (feel free to skip right to the T5W though). My last post was almost 2 months ago! What! And before that, my posts were sporadic at best. I had a very, very busy last semester and honestly, I just wasn't reading so I didn't have much to talk about on here. As soon as I was done with that, I went right into doing NaNoWriMo and once again, didn't read much. I think in October and November, I read a combined total of 5 books. So yeah, it wasn't great. You shouldn't be surprised to know I also failed my 2015 reading challenge, as well. After that I was working a lot and Christmas was hectic and yeah, basically just life happened. 

But now it's 2016 and time for a clean slate. I'm starting fresh and not concerning myself with what happened in 2015. I'm focusing on maintaining my reading (and hopefully reaching my 100 book goal I failed last year) and being more active on this blog. I'm going to try and work out a schedule. I figure it's better to do this now while I'm still on holidays from uni and can try and find a rhythm before having to add studies on top of that. Let's hope this all works out!

Anyway, now onto the Top 5 Wednesday portion of this post. I'm a little late on this week's but better late than never. T5W is always a good way - for me, anyway - get back into the swing of blogging. And this week's is focused on top 5 fandoms and that's basically perfect for me! I will add that I am taking this as top fandoms I've been active/very invested in, rather than which fandoms I think are the best. As always, Top 5 Wednesdays was created by gingerreadslainey and for more info, here's the Goodreads group! So, without further ado:

#5: Vampire Academy

I can't not include this series. I mean, I have a tattoo dedicated to it and I have literally read most of the books more times than I can count (I tend to re-read them at least once a year). I can't even explain how much I love this series. It was also one of the first ones I ever read fanfic of so that's an interesting fact. It's also one of the series I read in my early teens that I still love dearly now. 

#4: Star Wars

The release of The Force Awakens has just re-awakened my love of Star Wars and reminded me how much I love this series/franchise. I can't remember a time before Star Wars for me. My Mum is a big sci-fi fan so I grew up watching the movies. The prequels were being released when I was quite young and they were what made me fall in love with the series, so say what you will about them but they are very special to me. But yeah, the whole franchise holds a special place in my heart and I'm pretty sure they are why I love sci-fi so much.

#3: Harry Potter

I don't feel like this one needs explaining but I will. Harry Potter was the first series I ever got really, really invested in. I literally grew up watching the films and reading the books and they're just so tied to my childhood that I will love it to pieces no matter what. From a fandom stand point, though, my first fanvideo I ever made (oh yeah, I made a lot of those fyi) was of HP. The fic in this fandom is endless and amazing. I went to the midnight screenings of the last two movies and there was a really wonderful atmosphere created amongst the fandom there and I loved it.

#2: Lord of the Rings

While I do absolutely love the books, I was introduced to LOTR via the movies. I mean, I was about 6 when Fellowship of the Ring came out so can you really blame me? But like Star Wars got me into sci-fi, LOTR is probably the reason I love fantasy so much. Despite being so young, for some reason I was allowed to watch the movies when they first came out and I was absolutely obsessed. I adored everything about them. I read the series when I was about 8. Of course, things went over my head but for an 8 year old to stick through those dense books, I think you can see how in love with the story I was. The movies are literally my favourite movie series ever. I've seen them multiple times and I never get bored. Also, I have a tattoo in Elvish, aw yis.

#1: BBC's Merlin

This show, guys. THIS SHOW. Look, I can talk at length about how I think this show missed it's potential and how the writing quality dwindled over the course of it's five seasons but that doesn't take away from the fact that I was OBSESSED with this show. Like I have never been obsessed with anything before. I started watching when it was in its second season and it hooked me in from then until it finished. It finished over 3 years ago now and I still can't get away from it. I made and watched so many fanvids. I read SO much fanfic. I even wrote ones too. To this day, the only fanfic I've ever published online was a Merlin fanfic (no, I will not link it, haha). I was also very active within the fandom on Tumblr. I have fanart from it on my wall. This show and the fandom that came with it are so, so special to me so that's why it got #1 place.

So, there you go, guys! I could really mention so many more fandoms (*cough* Star Trek, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Teen Wolf, The 100 *cough*) but we will be here for awhile. I've been in the fandom game for a long time now. But what are some of your favourite fandoms? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time!
- J, xxx

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