Thursday 26 May 2016

TOP 5 WEDNESDAY: Characters I Defend

Hey guys! It's been awhile since I did a T5W but I really liked this week's topic - top 5 characters you defend. I took this to mean characters which are popularly hated upon by people for things that I believe are dumb, or they were treated poorly by writers. I also included two TV characters bc Why not? If you don't know what Top 5 Wednesdays are, it was created by gingerreadslainey but currently hosted by ThoughsonTomes and here's the Goodreads group for any more info :)

#5: Bellamy Blake from The 100 (TV show)
I guess this is a book as well but I've only watched the show. Also, this is a two parter defense. Bellamy is one of my absolute favs from this show but the writers honestly made so mistakes with his character in the latest season, which also caused a lot of hatred from the fans towards him. But I still think he is genuinely a good person at heart but the world of The 100 would mess with anyone's moral compass, so I will continue to defend him forever.

#4: Martha Jones from Doctor Who (TV show)
I don't see much of this nowadays (probs bc Martha's season was so long ago now), but back in the day, people really hated Martha. I think the main reason was she was the companion that followed Rose, whom so many people loved. But honestly, I never got it. Martha is one of my all-time favourite characters. She was so strong, complex and intelligent, and also put up with all of the Doctor's shit. Honestly, I will fight anyone who thinks little of Martha Jones.

#3: Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series
Now I used to be this person but then I changed my mind. Harry gets so much hate for being angst-y and impulsive and just in general people crap on his decisions, particularly from OotP onwards. But what people forget to consider is the PTSD Harry is probably suffering, the emotional and physical abuse he endured growing up and the basic shitshow that his life is. So yeah, I don't think he deserves the hate he gets.

#2: Susan Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
OKAY SO LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT HOW MAD I STILL AM ABOUT SUSAN PEVENSIE. I will honestly never forgive C.S. Lewis for what he did at the end of The Chronicles of Narnia. If you haven't read The Last Battle and care to not know how it ends, I would suggest skipping this. So anyway, it makes me so mad that Susan wasn't allowed back into Narnia (and also assumedly Heaven) basically because she grew up a little and enjoyed girly things. As if it was the greatest sin that she should do so. And on top of that, she loses her entire family because they all die at the end but she's still demonized by the narrative. Honestly, I'll never be over that shit. #SusanPevensieDeservedBetter

#1: Sansa Stark from the A Song of Ice and Fire series
If you know me at all (or have followed my posts for a bit), you should have guessed this was coming. I love and will defend Sansa Stark to my dying breath. I absolutely cannot stand the amount of hate and dismissal she gets from the fandom for being just a "naive little girl". Well, I hate to break it to you but she was, what, 13? When the series began, and it's sadly ironic how the is called naive for dreaming of gallant knights and great tsles by the same people who are literally reading a fantasy story about just that. I also think people don't understand her in that they don't see that she doesn't fight with swords but with her wits and inner strength. She's such a complicated and interesting character but the fandom often disregards her in favour of Arya who's more conventionally badass. Why can't people appreciate how great both of them are? 

Okay, I went off on some tangents there but I just have a lot of feelings, haha. Let me know in the comments your thoughts on the characters I chose or even which characters you always defend.

Until next time!
- J, xxx

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