Sunday 9 August 2015

Currently Reading Tag!

Hey guys! 

Today I'm going to do the Currently Reading tag! This tag was originally created over on Booktube by Charly Reynhorse and the original video is here! This morning I felt like doing a tag and then I saw that one of my favourite booktubers, Lindsey Rey, had done this one so I thought, why not? I wasn't tagged to do this or anything but oh well. Let's get started!

1. How many books do you usually read at once?
I'm usually reading at least two physical books at the one time and recently I've been listening to an audiobook on top of that. Comics and graphic novels I tend to read in one sitting (two sittings max.) so I usually just fit those in in the breaks.

2. If you're reading more than one book at a time, how do you decide when to switch to reading the other book (do you read a certain amount of pages in each?)

I usually don't go by page number because I tend to read in chapters, so sometimes I'll break it up with those. Most of the time I'll base it on time, so, for example, I'll read one book for an hour and then switch.

3. Do you ever switch bookmarks while you're part way through a book?


4. Where do you keep the book you're currently reading?

My desk (which is beside my bed) has a mini bookshelf on the side that faces my bed and I have dedicated one of the shelves to books I'm either currently reading or wanting to read soon.

5. What time of day do you spend the most time reading?

I don't really have a specific time that I read because I have uni classes at all different times on different days and part time work slotted around that. I just read when I can.

6. How long do you typically read for in one go?

Physical books: it honestly depends on how into the book I am or how much time I have on my hands. If it's a really engaging book and I have a free day, I'll just read for hours on end. But I will also just do quick reading sessions of say 10 minutes if that's all the time I have spare. Audiobooks: I most often read these while I'm driving, but I don't usually put on an audiobook unless I have at least a 10 minute drive.

7. Do you read hard covers with the dust jacket on or off?

I don't read hard covers a lot but when I do, dusk jacket off. I find them annoying while I'm trying to read.

8. Which position do you mainly use to read?

Usually just lying in my bed in all the various positions of trying to comfortable.

9. Do you take the book you're currently reading with you everywhere you go?

Yes! Since I tend to read more than one book at once, I usually just chose whichever I was last reading or I'm enjoying more to take around with me. I like to always have a book on me just in case I have time, even if I never read any of it and have just lugged around this book all day for no reason.

10. How often do you update your progress in the book you're currently reading on Goodreads?

I'm kind of awful at updating my status on books I'm currently reading. It's very common for me to not even remember to mark something as currently reading, even though I like to make sure to mark a book as read as soon as I'm finished. The main exception to this is usually longer books because I am usually reading them for longer.

11. Who would you like to tag?
Whoever wants to do it, go ahead! I wasn't tagged and I still did it, haha.

So, there you go, that was the Currently Reading tag! Let me know in the comments below what you're currently reading and how you're finding it!

Until next time!
Jess, xxx

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