Tuesday 11 August 2015

Top Ten Authors I've Read The Most From!

Hey guys! 

Two posts in one day? What's happening? Well, I originally intended only to have my Booktube-a-thon wrap up go up because I totally forgot about Top Ten Tuesday until now! If you don't know what TTT's are, find out all the info here

This week's topic is a fun one with the top ten authors you've read the most from, which was actually a bit difficult because I have a few authors that I've read the same amount from as others so the numbers might double up a bit. I decided to only include full-length novels because some of these might be different had I included novellas. I'll be ordering these from least read to most read :)

#10: Melissa Marr - 5 books
It saddens me that this made it to the list because I've only read 5 of her books because I read the entire Wicked Lovely series which I really, really did not enjoy. I only pushed through because I'd already bought the entire set of them.

#9: Scott Westerfeld - 5 books
I have many more of his books on my 'need-to-read' list but so far I've read the entire Uglies series and the first book in the Leviathan series which brings his total to 5 books!

#8: George R. R. Martin - 5 books
Even though it took me a LONG time to read them all (they're pretty dense reads), I've read all of GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire series that is currently out, which is 5 books. It's one of my favourite series!

#7: Stephenie Meyer - 5 books
Half of this list is basically authors I've read 5 books from, to be honest. With Stephenie Meyer, I did consider including Midnight Sun in the count (yeah, I read it back in the day) but then I decided to only include full-length novels as I said before and it was only half the book, if my memory serves me right. But I've read the entire Twilight series (which I do not like anymore) and The Host (which I oddly adore).

#6: Rick Riordan - 5 books
This is the last 5 books author! Yay! I've read the entire Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and I absolutely love it! At some point I swear I'll get to the Heroes of Olympus series as well.

#5: P.C. Cast - 6 books
I don't particularly write P.C. Cast's writing style but I did stick through the first 6 novels of the House of Night series. I read it at a time when I really enjoyed young adult paranormal romance novels but I grew out of that and, consequently, never kept reading. I also think the series just dragged on way too long anyway.

#4: C.S. Lewis - 7 books
This is so close to being 8 books because I'm currently reading a book by C.S. Lewis for university, but anyway. The 7 books I've read from him is the entirely of the Chronicles of Narnia series, which I only read recently and enjoyed quite a bit.

#3: J.K. Rowling - 7 books
I'm sure it's hard to guess what the 7 books from J.K. Rowling are that I've read but if you didn't get it, it's the whole Harry Potter series, aka one of my absolute favourite series ever. I haven't yet been able to or been motivated to pick up her other books - both as J.K and Robert Galbraith - but I intend to at some point. 

#2: Cassandra Clare - 8 books
I have conflicting opinions on Cassie Clare but I've still read a lot of her books. Most specifically, I've read the entire Infernal Devices and all but the last book of The Mortal Instruments series (books 4 and 5 disappointed me a lot so I've been hesitant to pick up the last one). I don't think her books are perfect but she's one of the few YA authors whose books I picked up when I was 13 and I still enjoy now. Also, TID is one of my favourite series ever.

#1: Richelle Mead - 17 books
This final one comes as no surprise to me but I was surprised by the actual amount of books I'd read by Richelle Mead. 17 books! That's crazy! But to break it down: I've read all of the Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series, the first 4 books of the Georgia Kincaid series and the first book of the Dark Swan series. Richelle Mead is one of those authors that I will always pick up. I still haven't got to a few of her books but I plan to get there. Not going to lie, I haven't enjoyed all of her books but I enjoy her writing and characters so much that I will always give her a chance. I mean, I even have a tattoo in reference to one of her books so I think that should tell you something ;D

So there you have it! Let me know down below some of your most read authors!

Until next time! 
Jess, xxx

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