Friday 14 August 2015

The Characters Book Tag!

Hey guys! I'm back with another book tag. This one is a super old tag that I saw for the first time in at least a year the other day so I thought I'd give it a shot because you know how much I love my characters. I wasn't tagged by anyone to do this; I just wanted to. This is the Character Book Tag and click here if you want to check out the original video for the tag.

1. Who is the best kick-ass character?
CELAENA SARDOTHIEN. I was torn between at least 4 different characters for this question but I'm settling on Celaena. If you've read the Throne of Glass series, you know. You just know. She is kickass and one of my favourite characters ever.

2. Which character do you most dislike?  

The first character that came to mind was Daavos from A Song of Ice and Fire series. The hardest part about reading A Dance With Dragons was having to push through Daavos' chapters because I find him to be such a dull character.

3. If you could date any fictional character who would it be and why?

I'm just going to go with Dimitri Belikov from the Vampire Academy series because I can't think of anyone else. Also, he's kinda perfect (ignoring how he acted in the last two VA books).

4. If you could change a character in any way what would it be?
I would change Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings and make him more like he was in the movie (OOH, CONTROVERSY). Now I will say it has been awhile since I've read these books but I remember book!Aragorn being too proud and a bit 'high and mighty' for my liking but movie!Aragorn was more appealing to me, personally.

5. What character to you made all the wrong choices that didn't add anything to the book?

I'm actually really struggling to think of a character for this but I'm just going to go with Cadence from We Were Liars because I feel like she didn't handle anything properly in this book.

6. Which character was the best villain whom you love to hate?

MAYOR PRENTISS FROM THE CHAOS WALKING TRILOGY. He is such an interesting character even though he is awful. He is basically my favourite book villian ever because there's so many facets to his character and I love and hate him. Also, just in general, the characters in this trilogy are amazing. You should definitely check it out if you haven't!

7. Favorite side-kick character with the most heart?

I'm going to go with a bit of a random one with this and say Reepicheep from the Chronicles of Narnia. If you saw my July Wrap Up, you'll know that I recently read this series for the first time (not including The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which I'd already read) and, while it did have some frustrating characters, it also had some really amazing ones. Reepicheep was one of them and he was so loyal and so full of heart and I loved him.

8. What is your favorite fictional romantic relationship?

Ahh, so many! I know this is a repeat of a book I've already mentioned but I think I'm going to go with Rose and Dimitri from the Vampire Academy series because no matter how long it's been since I've read these books, there two always my heart hurt. I also re-read the series probably once a year and every single time, there's certain scenes with these two that still make me feel the exact same way I did when I first read them!

9. What character did you think was the strongest? 

I'm going to go with another character from A Song of Ice and Fire and say Sansa Stark. She's my favourite character in that series and she goes through so much but still manages to...well, manage. I'll defend Sansa Stark until my death, to be honest.

10. Best protagonist?
Because I don't want to double up on answers, I'm going to go with Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series! Percy is such a great character to read from because he's sincere but also hilarious. Seriously, his narration on the events of the series always makes me laugh, even in the most serious moments. 

11. Who do you tag?
Anyone who is wearing a piece of blue clothing right now.

Okay, so there you go, that was the Characters Book Tag! Let me know down in the comments who are some of your favourite characters and why!

Until next time!
Jess, xxx

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