Monday 6 July 2015

Book Review + Discussion: These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Title: These Broken Stars [Goodreads Link]
Author: Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

General Thoughts (NO SPOILERS):
This book has often been described as Titanic set in outer space and, honestly, that description is perfect for how the novel begins but it diverges from this relatively quickly. This book is told from the switching perspectives of Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen who survive when the spaceliner they were aboard crashes without explanation. Unsure if there were any other survivors, the two have to set out to try and now survive on this mysterious planet they have landed on that poses more questions than answers. I didn't know much before going into this novel, so I wasn't expecting most of it at all. It was a really interesting concept and the mystery kept me intrigued. I really enjoyed it but I just don't think everything clicked 100% with me. It was a little too "insta-love" for my taste but I can definitely see why it's gaining a bit of hype. I will still continue with the series!



Probably my least favourite element of the story were the characters and, as someone who places a lot of importance on good characters, this is probably why I didn't enjoy the story as much as I wanted to. I didn't feel a huge connection to either Tarver or Lilac and their relationship didn't really do anything for me. It really frustrated me that neither was willing to communicate to the other even about the most basic things for them to survive. I understand that there was a heavy element of class status they had to maintain but they were in a life or death situation! I also wasn't really a fan of their romance. It seemed to go from their being an attraction between them to them wanting to die for each other. Now I understand that they were in a dire situation and that most likely played with their emotions but I still wasn't a fan.

Individually, I'm not fussed on either of them. I couldn't relate to either of the characters nor did I find them super interesting. Not to say I disliked them at all, but I felt entirely neutral about them for most of the book, Tarver more so. I grew slightly more on Lilac as she became stronger, as I feel like she went through more significant development. I also became more interested in her character now since her 'dying and coming back again' happened because I'm really intrigued to see how that affects her long term.


The over-arching plot of this novel was probably its strongest element for me, but, having said that, I think that is more true in the second half of the novel. The first half was a bit dry and slow and difficult to get through but the latter upped the ante a bit and things started to get really interesting. The mystery of the voices and how the Icarus crashed did a really good job of keeping me intrigued throughout the majority of the book. What is pulling me the most to book 2 is the hope of having more answers about those things! I have so many questions! Despite this, the plot does lull at points because the novel largely consists of Tarver and Lilac travelling between various points which can become uninteresting. My other big criticism is the lack of back story. I do enjoy a story that throws you in the middle of the story but only if it takes time to explain itself later. This book didn't. Perhaps we will get more in the next book but I feel a lot of important bits of world building we should have gotten in the first instalment were left out. 


Oh, man. If anything, the writing in this book is a big reason to check it out. I don't know exactly what it is but the writing is just so, so gorgeous! I remember reading certain lines and just having to stop and take it in because I wanted to just fully appreciate it for that moment. Everything is really well described and paced and the story flow relatively seamlessly. My sole criticism on this front, though, is that I wish there had been more of a distinction between Lilac and Tarver's voices. Both read far too similarly for me, which makes it difficult to remember whose perspective you are reading from.

Until next time!
- Jess, xxx

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