Tuesday 7 July 2015

Top Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read

Hey guys! Today I’m bringing to you a Top Ten Tuesday post. If you don’t know what Top Ten Tuesday is, check out some info here! This week’s topic is hyped books we haven’t read yet. So let’s get going!

#1: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir [Goodreads Link]
This one isn’t too bad (unlike some of the ones I’ve yet to mention) because it's relatively new but I still feel bad not having read it yet. This book is gaining some serious hype in the online book community lately and I am just dying to get my hands on it. As you know from my July TBR, I’ve got a huge goal for this month but I really, really hope I can squeeze this baby in somewhere. Or at least some time soon.

#2: Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson [Goodreads Link]
If you've been following this space for awhile, you might've seen that this was on a TBR a few months back. But you guessed it! I didn't read it. As a fantasy lover, it feels like a crime that I haven’t read any of Brandon Sanderson’s works yet. He is so widely acclaimed in the fantasy genre and I just need to take the leap. This series, in particular, has gained a lot of hype, especially recently. And there’s nothing really stopping me reading Mistborn. I have the first novel sitting on my desk as I type this but I just keep having some other book I need to read first. I swear, I will get there eventually. I mean soon!

#3: Paper Towns by John Green [Goodreads Link]
I’m including this because, even though this book isn’t usually the first one people talk about in reference to John Green, it is obviously gaining a lot of hype at the moment with the movie so close to being released. Now, let me say, that I have a complex relationship with John. I absolutely adore his work on Youtube and with Hank and all that jazz, but am sort of on the fence in regards to his novels. Now, I’ve only read two so bear with me. I read TFIOS way back in 2012 and absolutely adored it but, after two years, the next book I picked up of his was Abundance of Katherines and I really, really did not like it. Since then, I haven’t wanted to read another one of his novels in case I dislike that, too, because I really do want to like them.

#4: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs [Goodreads Link]
I hear about this all the time online (especially Booktube) and it sounds fascinating. I really want to read it but I swear I never see it at any book stores or the library; I can only ever find Hollow City. I know I could just order it online but I never seem to remember it when I’m doing some online shopping, to be honest.

#5: Shatter Me trilogy by Tahereh Mafi [Goodreads Link]
Okay, well, I’ve read the first one but I haven’t read the rest of them. This series has been hyped a whole bunch online and I seem to see it everywhere. I was convinced I would love it so I loaned all of the books out on a whim from the library one day and I just really disliked Shatter Me, I’m sorry. I can’t see myself continuing the series, no matter how much people tell me that it gets better. I have too many other goods books I’d rather get to. Also, I really wish I liked these books because I adore Tahereh so much. I hope I like her new novel coming out!

#6: The Martian by Andy Weir [Goodreads Link]
Okay, this one I really, really want to get to! I kept seeing this on the booktube and I was only mildly curious about it because I didn’t really know what it was about. Then I learnt it was to become a movie so I had a look at the trailer and it just really made me want to pick up the book right then, so well done, movie creators. I hope I get to this before the movie release, though.

#7: The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey [Goodreads Link]
Okay, so this one got huge hype when it came out and I really wanted to get into it. It somehow got pushed back on my TBR and then the second book of the series came out and got some really awful reviews and it kind of made me hesitant to start the series at all. I do intend to get to it someday and maybe all of negative stuff that’s came out will mean I enjoy it more because I have lower expectations. Who knows?

#8: Vicious by V.E. Schwab [Goodreads Link]
Man, this book gained some serious hype last year. It seemed like everyone and their mother was talking about it and I just never find the time or the drive to check it out. I haven’t really heard a lot of bad things about it so I don’t know what’s stopping me. It’s one of those books I really, really want to get to but I just never seem to be in the mood to pick it up. One day, I’ll push myself to do it, I promise.

#9: Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan [Goodreads Link]
If you saw my July TBR, you already know this. So many people love these books and if they are as good as PJO was, I’m sure I’ll love it too. I just have to start it first to find out.

#10: City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare [Goodreads Link]
When this was released last year, everyone went crazy but I sort of felt meh about it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed The Mortal Instruments series, but primarily the first half. I feel like books 4 and 5 were a huge dip in the series and I really did not enjoy them. So, when CoHF was released, I wasn’t really feeling it. I still bought the book but it has just sat on my shelf for the past year collecting dust. I do intend to read it because I have heard good things, but at the moment, I’m in no rush.

What are some hyped books you guys haven’t read yet? Have you read any of the books I mentioned and think I should get to them ASAP? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time!

Jess, xxx

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